Hello Quilty Friends!
I've been busy - too busy. However, for me that's a GOOD thing. I don't like being bored or wasting time. I only have a limited lifetime to get all the things done I want to. And with "all those things" I want to do, I'm thinking I'd better live to be 300 or so to accomplish them all. LOL.
Seriously, though . . . I decided to do a thing, and that THING caused some embarrassment and a little bit of shame. I took inventory of my sewing room!!! Ugh!
I have what my daughter-in-law calls FOMO. Yep, that's right - FOMO - fear of missing out! I have it for all the things. I want to do it all! I don't want to miss out on anything - outings, activities, birthdays, concerts, shopping, and most of all QUILTING.
Have you seen all the tantalizing quilt posts on Instagram? The ones that appeal to all your senses? The colors, the patterns, the threads, the quilting! I love it all, and . . . . I want it all. It's not easy to say no to all the new lines of fabric that come out every 6 months. EVERY 6 months! I easily forget that I haven't finished sewing the last project I purchased because I was tantalized by an Instagram post or drooled over the new fabric lines Kimberly just showed on Fatquartershop's Youtube channel. So what do I do? I buy! I have FOMO! I admit it! Ugh!
And that's how I have landed myself in this situation. This is going to be the most humiliating confession I make to you. My friends, if you are quilters maybe you will understand and forgive me or cut me some slack or maybe sympathize with me. Here it goes . . . I counted 67 projects that are unfinished, never touched, not started, sitting in a tote waiting for me to sew. Yep, I said it. And ladies and gentlemen, a week later I realized that I forgot to count the projects in the 3 drawers in my sewing room closet!
Am I shocked? Yes! Am I embarrassed? Yes! Am I ashamed? Yes. All of the above. Mind you, these are not all quilts - thank goodness! There are a lot of quilts, but there are also table runners, candle mats, pin cushions, bowl fillers (lots of these!), wall hangings, etc. So, they are all various shapes and sizes, but, really? Sixty-seven +?
The good thing is that they are mostly in an organized state of being. I have the patterns and all the fabrics for each project stored together in see-through project totes so that when I'm ready to tackle one, I just have to pull a tote out and start working on it. I just need time. All the time. Twenty-four hours in a day is not enough.
Of course, one of these days I'll retire from my day job so I can sew to my heart's content, but for now, I'd better figure something out! I have a few options. I could donate the projects I'm not in love with anymore (some of these are really old!) to charity groups which I have done before. They are always so appreciative. Another option is to do a project swap with friends. You know . . . one person's junk is another person's treasure, and the last option is just to keep them! When I retire, I'll have all the time I want to work on them!
In the meantime, though, I probably should work on getting my FOMO under control!
I'd love to know what you do to curb your appetite for buying all the things! All the quilty goodness things. Let me know in the comments below. Maybe I'll learn a thing or two!
Until next time!
Mama J
#quiltingaddiction #quiltorganiztion #fatquartershop #jollyjabber #modafabrics #rileyblakedesigns #aurifilthread #aquiltinglife #chelsistrattondesigns #lellaboutique #minickandsimpson #olieandevie #missouriquiltco #sewsampler #thimbleblossoms #bonnieandcamille #clarkcountyquilters #quiltaddict #quiltaddiction #rileyblake #rileyblakefabric #moda
FOMO is a real struggle! I can't count the thousands (yes, thousands) of digital projects I've downloaded or saved in the cloud or planned on sticky notes and never touched, or started but never finished. I have multiple hard drives (some nearly decades old) collecting digital and physical dust. ADHD doesn't help the problem any. Shiny Object Syndrome is also a contributor. They've all become my "one day" goals (meaning "one day I'll get to them"). If you ever figure out how to tackle it, please let me know (I'll do the same if I figure it out first).